Nuisance Complaint/ Abatement Request - 7118 Oakwood Glen Blvd. for Public Release

Hello Neighbors,

FYI, for some time now the Association has been attempting to address certain obvious issues
associated with the Oakwood Glen Condos located at 7118 Oakwood Glen Blvd (the front of the

To date the owner(s) have not responded to any attempt to communicate with them. Because of the
owner(s) lack of response, we began gathering information confirming our concerns and have prepared
the attached letter to send to the owner(s). We are also sending a copy of this letter to any regulatory
agency or individual who may have any influence over the owner(s). We are certain that the Harris
County Health Department- Environmental Division and the Harris County Sheriff Office - Nuisance
Abatement Division have over site responsibilities on these issues. The others that were copied are
included in case they also have some level of influence over the owner(s).

We are making this information available to our Homeowners so you will be aware that your Board is
attempting to address this issue. We are not asking for Homeowners to personally contact any of the
listed agencies at this time. This issue will not be resolved overnight and we "do" want to give the
authorities the opportunity and time to do their jobs. Should the authorities fail to respond we may ask
Homeowners who agree with our position to also voice their concerns with the appropriate agencies.
We will let you know should your assistance be required.

Updates on this activity will be posted in the Monthly Board Meeting Minutes.

On a positive note, we believe our discussions with the owner of the Exxon convenience store were the
catalyst that got him to paint over the graffiti on his building and the initial t rash clean up on his
property. Keeping the trash picked up on his lot will probably be an ongoing battle.

Best regards.

Mike Harris, President
Oakwood Glen Association

Review all 12 pages of this document. You can download it by CLICKING HERE





Oakwood Glen